Weatherproof Your Marriage

So you can go anywhere and do anything, TOGETHER.
~Go together, Grow together ~

Taking a trip together isn't going to solve your problems it's going to magnify them

Are you...


That your next trip together will end in an argument, or worse - divorce

Travel can be a pressure cooker on your marriage. Tempers flare and impulsive words are said in the heat of an argument. If your vacation brings out the worst in your marriage or you or your spouse have threatened divorce, it’s important to recognize this as a desperate cry for help requiring urgent action. Now is the time to reconnect, repair, and rewrite this negative pattern.


That nothing you’re doing to make it better ever works

You’ve read all the top books, watched the videos, done the worksheets, and maybe even sought counseling, yet you’re stuck in the same unhappy cycle. You march through your day on autopilot functioning as roommates, scared to go deeper. Maybe you’ve even lost hope. Let go of the fear and look forward to togetherness with new skills, accountability, and a personalized plan that will work for you.


By the stress of life and the strain in your marriage

The days end before half of your “to-do” list is done and you can’t imagine finding the time or energy to fix your relationship. It becomes a chore to please one more person. Don’t worry! When your marriage harmonizes with your life, you’ll feel lighter, more supported, and look forward to each day with your spouse, and start packing for your next sexy vacay together.

Wouldn't you rather be saying...

“I feel loved and appreciated every day.”
“I love spending time together.”
“Now we can talk about anything – even money, the in-laws, and sex – without getting upset.”
“We went camping for a week and we didn’t argue at all.”

Go ahead, plan that trip!

With our simple tips and strategies you're ready for 24/7 togetherness without worrying an argument will blow up the whole vacation (or your marriage).

Weatherproof your marriage with matt and kelly

Hi, We're Matt and Kelly

We'll help you weatherproof your marriage so you can leave the arguments and stress behind and focus on enjoying your time together and strengthening your love.

Do you argue more than you’d like? Does stress/hunger/fatigue bring out the worst in you? Do you worry that your vacation will be more frustrating than fun? 

Leave your worries behind and learn the strategies you need to make your marriage stronger so your daily life is more fun and even the most stressful travel situations are a breeze to navigate together.

As avid adventurers, an educator, a physician, and certified life, health & wellness coaches, we will help you weatherproof your marriage so you can enjoy your everyday and your travel days.

We want you to Wander...Fonder

How We Can Help Your Marriage

FREE 7 Day Relationship Quick Fix

An individual daily e-mail journey of proven techniques that will guide you in a positive direction and give you hope as you reconnect. Specifically created to fit into your busy lifestyle.  

FREE Loving Communication Ebook

An individual daily e-mail journey of proven techniques that will guide you in a positive direction and give you hope as you reconnect. Specifically created to fit into your busy lifestyle.  

family camping trip

Four Week Marriage Connection Course

Your marriage gets better from DAY ONE with our accelerated connection course. Weatherproof your marriage and reconnect your relationship with a clear step by step program that will get your marriage ready for life, travel, and togetherness.

Wait! There's More, We're Excited to Share

Let's get your marriage back on track! Whether your journey together is to soccer practice or Zimbabwe, we are experienced in the blood sweat and tears that goes into marriage, raising teen girls, and traveling together. Learn from our mistakes, and our successes!

“The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.”

– Og Mandino

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